Family Worship Center’s


The Women’s Ministry at Family Worship Center is lead by a group of women with a desire for connection, warmth and fellowship among women of all ages.

The events planned are intended to bring women closer together through fun activities, open-conversation, worship, prayer, and a relaxed atmosphere.

We would love for you to join us for our next Women’s Ministry event!


Garden Party

We welcome women of all ages to this beautiful get-together to enjoy light refreshments, hear an encouraging message, and enjoy some fun activities together!

(No need to be a mother or have a daughter to attend - this event is for all who want to come together to join in the fellowship and fun.)

Garden Party Details:

Date: Saturday, May 10, 2025

Time: 1:35pm

Cost: $5.00 (each attendee should also bring one 6” or 8” flower pot and a market pack of plants (typically 6 plants per pack)

Location: Family Worship Center Gymnasium (1000 Troxel Rd., Lansdale)

Payment options:

1. Cash: use a pink offering envelope and deposit in offering bucket

2. Check: made out to Family Worship Center with “Mother/Daughter Event” in the Memo, and use a pink offering envelope to deposit in offering bucket

3. Online: Venmo—@familywc, CashApp—$WeAreFamilyWorship or PayPal—@wearefamilyworship

If paying online, in the memo section kindly include:

- your name (and names of who you’re purchasing tickets for)

- write “Mother/Daughter Event”

Sign Up + Payment due by April 27

Your payment confirms your reservation for this event.