Good News 4:12
I don’t need that old religion
That kept me tied down for so long
I don’t want a prideful spirit
Pretending like I’ve never been wrong
I just want love, I just want truth
I just want You
We are called to something higher
Than all the rules of this world
So Spirit send Your holy fire
And bring Your kingdom forth
I just want love, I just want truth
I just want You
If it’s not good then it’s not the gospel
If it was true for the 12 apostles
Then that’s good enough for me
That’s good enough for me
If it says grace and it says freedom
From the lies that I believed in
Then that’s good enough for me
Listen 3:49
Sometimes He speaks in the fire
Sometimes He speaks in the rain
Sometimes it’s poured out like water
Sometimes a whisper within
When the Lord speaks, listen
Do what He’s asking of you
Cause His body and blood
Were poured out in love
And this is the least we can do
Come tune your ear to the Savior
Hear what He wants you to say
The fields are all ripe for the harvest
And workers are needed today
Hurry up, hurry up
To show you’re approved
Hurry up, hurry up
He’s wanting to move
Hurry up, hurry up
To show you’re approved
Hurry up, hurry up
He’s waiting for you
Let Your Spirit Flow 5:05
Let Your spirit flow
Let a new wind blow
Through this dry and weary land
Let Your glory fall as your people call
For a touch from Your hand
I will wait on Your words
Cause that’s all I want to say
I will move when You call
I will let you have your way
I will stand on Your truth
Cause this world has none to give
I will speak Your words of love
To bring life that they may live
There is nothing I want more
Than to see Your heart
And to be a part
Of Your working in this world
Come and make me new
I want to be like You
God of Mysteries 7:16
God of mysteries
Reveal Yourself to me
Cause when I don’t know what to do
I want to find myself in You
You are patient and You’re kind
Renew my troubled mind
Cause I’m so easily confused
By a world devoid of You
You are higher than any scheme of man
Any system of the earth
Help my unbelief
Spirit speak to me
Cause I need to hear Your words
Before the sun began its burning
You knew the sacrifice You’d make
Before the earth began its turning
You knew the cup Your son would drink
So I will praise You in the mystery
The God who was and is to come
And when my doubt starts to convince me
I will remember what You’ve done
Uncreated one
I will praise You
For what You have done
God of mysteries
Good and righteous King
You are worthy of my everything