What’s happening at FWC?

Check out all the upcoming events below, but you can also sign up to be notified about upcoming events at Family Worship Center!

Freedom Through Forgiveness

Freedom Through Forgiveness

Freedom Through Forgiveness

Tuesdays (starts March 4th - ends April 1st) 6:30PM to 7:30PM

Teachers:  Mark Smith, Dennis Doran, Desiree Steve

(Room TBA)

Mark, Dennis and Desiree will be teaching from the book, “Forgiveness” by Rodney Hogue.  Based on a Christian framework, the author leads the readers to the place of being willing to take the risk of releasing their offenders, and learning to live in freedom through forgiveness.

The class will meet Tuesday nights, March 4 through April 1,  from 6:30PM to 7:30PM at the church.    

Purchase the book, “Forgiveness” by Rodney Hogue, prior to the class

Sign up  at the Welcome Center or call the church office at 215-361-2431 if you would like to attend.



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Christmastown Dessert Theater - 2 nights!

Christmastown Dessert Theater - 2 nights!

  • Family Worship Center (Spanish Min / Youth Room) (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

A Dessert Theater, presented by the Drama Ministry of  Family Worship Center


              Dates:                Fri., December 20

                                       Sat., December 21

              Time:                  6:30 PM.

              Tickets:             $10 per person



Contact the church office to purchase tickets 215-361-2431 / email: fwc@familyworshipcenter.org.                         

Space is limited to 100 people per night.

Ticket price covers expenses and also benefits MorningStar Ministries.

Dessert will be offered at intermission

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Forged By the Fire Men's Conference - 3 Nights

Forged By the Fire Men's Conference - 3 Nights

3 Powerful Nights! Forged by the Fire Men’s Conference 2024

Freedom and Forgiveness Event!


Thursday-Saturday, November 21-23, 2024

6:30PM to 9:30PM

Doors Open:            6:00PM

Location:                Family Worship Center

Speakers:               Pastor Rikhard Hartikainen; Pastor David Damiani

Host:                        Eric Fasci

Worship Leader:    Ben Randall

Cost: FREE

Promise Land Men's Ministries are Inviting all Men, from the highways and byways, from the streets and the alleys, from neighborhoods and houses. From the workplace and from the schools, from the clubs and the bars. This event is for you.

Share with your friends and family.  The Holy Spirit is moving.  Lives are being changed.  People are being set free!


Register at www.eventbrite.com and search for the Forged by the Fire Men’s Conference.



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Women's Prayer Meeting

Women's Prayer Meeting

Ministering to each other’s needs - as numerous and vast as the stars.

All women are welcome to this night of worship and prayer.

Location: FWC Youth Room

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  • Franconia Community Park (meet at pavilion) (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


with Vanessa Broderick and Teresa Davenport

An opportunity for fellowship, physical activity, and spiritual connection. We will begin the morning with a leisurely walk around the park to engage in exercise and fellowship, then we'll proceed to spend time connecting through the Word, starting with the book of Luke.

Dates: October 19th & November 9th

Time: 9:00AM-11:00AM

Location: Franconia Community Park

Entrance off Allentown Rd. - meet by pavilion

Child care will not be available. Our hope for those joining is to be able to connect without disruption. We kindly request that no children attend

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Forged By the Fire Men's Fellowship

Forged By the Fire Men's Fellowship

Bonfire, BBQ, Beats and Brothers

Please call the church office 215-361-2431 for the address

Come join men from all walks of life, in their pursuit of Christ. Come as a follower and disciple of Jesus Christ. You might not be a follower or disciple of Jesus; but come and find out what it means to be one. Come encounter the real Jesus, the one and true Jesus that wants you!

Bring a friend. Bring an unbeliever. Bring the poor, the wretched, the drunkard, the winebibber, the fornicator, the gossiper, the brawler, the angry, the dismissed, the tormented, the demon possessed, the depressed, the oppressed, the suicidal, the addict, the sick, the brokenhearted, the bruised, the abused, and the hurt.

Jesus never said to get cleaned up first before you come to Him. He is after your heart first. There is nothing that you have done, or are doing, that would scare Him. His blood can cover and wipe out all of your sins. Come experience the real Jesus with men that love and cherish our Savior!

The Forged by the Fire event is our men's activity for October; so there will be no Men's Breakfast.

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to Apr 28

Women's Retreat


“Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone.” Romans 12:18

Ladies! Mark your calendars now for this year's Women's Ministry Spring Retreat. Black Rock Retreat Center in Quarryville, PA was such a great location that we decided to go back this year. We'll keep you posted with more details, which are coming very soon!

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